The RLECC Sub-Committee on Fishing and Marine Environmental Protection (RLECC-SCFMEP) in the Bicol Region is composed of fifteen (15) regional member agencies, namely: BFAR, Phil. Coast Guard, MARINA, Phil. Navy, Phil. Maritime Police, PPA, PNP, CIDG, DENR, DILG, DOJ, DEPED, PIA and DA. Provincial coordinators of BFAR from the six provinces of the region are also regular members of the Sub-Com.
The Sub-com's duties and functions were formulated and approved by the member agencies during its first meeting on February 14, 2006, to wit: (1) serve as forum for dialogue and coordination among the member agencies engaged in the enforcement of appropriate laws; (2) coordinate policies/procedures in order to facilitate cooperation and integration of efforts among member agencies and ensure a unified direction in the suppression of specific illegal activities; (3) identify priority areas for coordinated joint law enforcement activities, as covered by the functions of the 2 sub-com; (4) prepare and submit to the chairman of the RLECC for consolidation/implementation, basic strategies/plans which shall outline the enforcement facet of the law enforcement campaign as well as delineate policies and thrusts in the effective implementation of law enforcement functions, and; (5) perform other functions as the RLECC may direct.